Tropical Fruit Salsa

Renée Naturally Qualified Naturopath, Nutritionist & Western Medical Herbalist

A tantalizing touch of the Pacific, with the sweet spice of Mexico. Hola! Take your taste buds on a stress-free journey. This is ridiculously easy to make, leaving you plenty of time to drift away to somewhere seductive…

1 cup of fresh pineapple

1 cup of fresh mango

1 small red onion

1/2 cup of fresh coriander

1 teaspoon of Tabasco sauce

Juice of 1 medium lime

Sea-salt and pepper, to taste


  1. Dice the fresh fruit and onions and place in a bowl
  2. Roughly chop or tear the coriander leaves
  3. Toss all of the remaining ingredients into the bowl, and season to taste

Pineapple – This tropical fruit is high in the enzyme Bromelain and the antioxidant vitamin C, both of which play a major role in the body’s healing process. Bromelain is a natural anti-inflammatory and also aids in the digestion of protein. Pineapples are also packed full of fiber – important for a healthy digestive system!

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