Warming Winter Tonic

Renée Naturally Qualified Naturopath, Nutritionist & Western Medical Herbalist

We’re in the dark depths of winter now and the seasonal lurgies are out in full force. This Warming Winter Tonic is akin to a comforting cuddle. Warming, soothing, healing and a much-needed age-old remedy in times of sickness. It’s also super-charged with cold-fighting ingredients and the best part is…it’s super simple to make with ingredients you’ll likely have in your kitchen (turmeric powder is a fine substitute for fresh, if necessary!) This sweet, zingy and slightly spicy drink will hit the spot when you’ve got the sniffles or just feel like you need a good boost. The golden glow of this drink reminds me of sunshine…something we could all do with a little more of at this time of year! Enjoy!


1 cup of hot water
Juice from ½ a lemon
½ teaspoon of freshly grated turmeric
3 slices of fresh ginger
1 teaspoon of Manuka honey
1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar
Pinch of cayenne pepper (optional)


  1. Pour the lemon juice into a mug along with the freshly sliced ginger and turmeric
  2. Top with hot but not boiling water
  3. Let the ingredients infuse in the hot water for about 3 minutes
  4. Add the apple cider vinegar, Manuka honey and pinch of cayenne pepper if you desire.
  5. For maximum benefit, sip this drink slowly and mindfully somewhere cosy and warm.

Nutrition Bite: This drink is packed with healing properties, making it the ideal natural cold fighter and winter warmer. The lemon juice provides vitamin C, an essential ingredient for optimum immune function.  Ginger is warming and with anti-inflammatory actions, it is a great addition to the winter diet.  Apple cider vinegar is a fantastic general health tonic with many beneficial properties. When it comes to fighting off winter viruses, it’s superpowers come in the fact that it can help to alkalize the body. Creating alkaline conditions in the body helps to kill bacteria and viruses! Manuka honey is well-renowned for its antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties and also provides a touch of sweetness that  “helps the medicine go down”. Finally, if it’s your cup of tea..the spice from a pinch of cayenne helps to clear a blocked nose and further warm the body. Enjoy the warmth winter can bring with this delicious brew.

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