When it comes to fashion, can less really be more? Step in the ‘Slow Fashion Movement’…
We tend to spend a lot of energy trying to control nature. We spray and mow, we concrete and build…
I remember walking into a baby store when I was pregnant with my first child. I had no idea why I was there...
Living lightly on the planet isn’t about being perfect. It's about figuring out how to do a bit better, in ways that suit us.
A sustainable lifestyle has been better for the wellbeing of the planet, but it has been undeniably better for my own wellbeing in many ways
We can be blissfully unaware that our money is being used to invest in things with harmful consequences. The great news is...
Handee, Purex & Sorbent have a low carbon footprint across the manufacturing process including responsible forestry & using geothermal steam
When you really strip it back, giving gifts is all about showing love, appreciation and gratitude. It’s a beautiful act of human connection.
I love my second-hand couch. It’s at least 50 years old and built to last. I’ve had it recovered and repaired...
Holiday, vacation, road-trip, mini-break – whatever you call it, there is something magical about getting away and exploring new places.
I’ve learnt that ‘living a bit lighter on the planet’ isn’t a solo sport. We have the most impact when we bring others with us...
These days we can buy pretty much anything we want, at any time of the day. Most supermarkets are open 7 days a week, if not 24 hours a day.
Reducing the waste we throw away is a really tangible way to cut down on our environmental impact.
I was recently asked if I had a ‘Little Green Book’ – a directory of all of my favourite resources.
Most of my wardrobe is second-hand – I mean, why not? There are already enough clothes out there.
Sometimes on a Friday I get takeaway sushi for lunch. I always grab a plate from the office kitchen to take with me.
These days, supermarkets are open 7 days a week and sometimes even 24 hours a day.
My six-year-old frequently has visible repairs on his clothing. Recently I watched on as another classmate started pointing and laughing...
The term climate change can feel really difficult to reconcile on a personal level.
Almost every sustainable living guide in existence will likely instruct you to start composting. And rightly so...
A few years ago, the Collins Dictionary word of the year was ‘single use’ – which is a pretty big indication of how disposable we’ve become.
Celebrations are a wonderful part of being human. They bring us together, connect us, and offer a chance to reflect on the busyness of life.
When it comes to living a bit lighter on the planet, I’ve realised that raising eco-conscious kids is a big part of what I can contribute.
We have a kōwahi tree in our backyard. It grows on a weird angle, and when we first moved in I seriously contemplated pulling it out.
A friend was talking about buying a sewing machine. When I suggested she borrow mine, she felt uncomfortable.
In New Zealand our car ownership rate is one of the highest in the OECD and each year, we drive a collective 49 billion kilometres.
Packets, pouches, pottles, bottles, bags, wrappers, tubes, containers… it’s easy for our rubbish and recycling bins to fill up...
Christmas creates a strange combination of joy and dread in me. For most of us it’s such a magical time of year...
Growing your own food is amazing. It's super nutritious, no food miles or packaging waste, connects us with nature & builds soil health.
We live in a time when we can have almost anything we want, any time we want, and even delivered to our doorstep if we choose.
Underneath my kitchen sink was once a cluttered apothecary of cleaning products. And was almost a different option for every room & surface.
When I was 8 years old, my Mum took me shopping for a new outfit to wear to the school disco...
Easter is one of those holidays that always sneaks up on me a bit. I know it’s coming, and look forward to a few extra days...
Sometimes I drive a car, throw things in the rubbish and buy things in plastic… there, I said it, confession over.
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