We tend to spend a lot of energy trying to control nature. We spray and mow, we concrete and build… but sometimes when we step back and let nature do its thing, even in a small way, amazing things happen.
When we create some space for nature in our backyards, it invites life in, it can look beautiful and it feels really good. Whether we have a lifestyle block, an urban section or even a balcony, there are lots of simple ways we can create tiny pockets of wilderness that create a sanctuary for wildlife and help nature flourish.
Creating space for nature to flourish in our own backyards supports our biodiversity, looks beautiful and has a magical way of connecting us with the natural world. It’s a combo-deal – it’s better for the planet and it’s also better for our own wellbeing.
So you are loving your air fryer, but are not sure how to clean it? Regular cleaning will extend the lifespan of your air fryer and keep it in good ..
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