Back to School

Back to school and childhood immunity

When children first start school or daycare it's common to “catch everything” that is going around as they build their immunity.

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School lunch box ideas

Cherry tomatoes, baby carrots and chopped cucumber with hummus, sliced capsicum, celery with cream cheese or peanut butter...

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Practical Tips for Parents with Kids at Home

Parents are quite likely spending more one-on-one time with their kids than they ever have before, due to New Zealand’s Covid-19 lockdown. As a re..

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Children’s Day

Children’s day is held on the first Sunday in March every year, and what a perfect opportunity to spend some time celebrating children...

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Back-To-School Nutrition Tips

When school is back in full swing, many parents start wanting to up the nutrition ante again, to fuel developing minds & growing bodies...

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Keeping Kids Well This Term

Waking up to sick kids can throw even the most efficient of routines right out the window and send one’s week into a total spin!

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Mental health and young children

Children as they grow up, learn to grapple with big feelings, but it takes a while to do that (hey, even us adults aren’t pros).

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School holidays

Depending where you sit on the age and with/without kids scale, school holidays will mean different things to you.

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Raising Children – parenting help is at hand

Looking for some expert approved, family friendly parenting advice? Well, let me help you there!

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Back to School may mean back to battling headlice

Headlice, kutus, nits – whatever you call them – most parents dread their discovery in their child’s hair.

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Back to school

It’s here! School is back. A new routine and regular rhythm starts to daily life. Are you ready? Are your kids?

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Learning to ride a bike

The earlier you get your kids on a bike, the more confidence they will have to keep progressing through the stages.

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Exams – ten tips to prepare for them

Well it's that end of the year... the sharp end where all that learning is meant to come together efficiently and eloquently in an exam. Easy? No. Exc..

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Get ready for Halloween!

Ok, so yes, you might feel like you’ve had some Americanised mass market thing foisted upon you, your family and your neighbourhood...

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School holiday's

This term is almost done and dusted. Good thing if you’re in Auckland? Less traffic on the road. Bad thing? Quelling a quiet sense of rising panic w..

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The importance of hand washing

It's one of the basics we all need to teach our kids - how to wash your hands. That and brushing your teeth, how to use the toilet and saying please a..

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