Now that salad season is upon us with warmer days and festive celebrations ahead, this healthy and attractive salad is a great recipe to have on hand to make for highly-anticipated summer BBQs and gatherings ahead. It’s a lovely vegetarian addition to serve alongside often meat-heavy BBQ fare!
Salad Ingredients:
2 cups of short-grain brown rice
4 cups of water
3 large carrots
3 tablespoons of olive oil
1 teaspoon of onion powder
½ a red onion, finely chopped
⅓ cup of currants
200g of goat feta
¾ cup of walnuts
¾ cup of chopped fresh mint leaves
Salt and pepper
Dressing Ingredients:
1/3 cup of olive oil
Juice of one & a half lemons
1 tablespoon of melted honey
1 teaspoon of mustard
½ teaspoon of crushed garlic
Salt and pepper, to taste
Nutrition Bite:
Brown rice is whole grain rice with a richer, nuttier taste than white rice. It’s nutritiously a better option too, being high in fiber and because the nutritious bran layer remains, it contains valuable phytochemicals like essential amino acids, vitamins, flavonoids, phytic acid, and more. It is a great source of slow-release energy to help sustain energy levels throughout the day.
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