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Winter Wellness

Dry skin

The skin is your first barrier of protection from the outside world. It should keep the moisture in and infections out. Usually this works well, but..

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Winter Wellness Tips

I’m not going to beat around the bush about this winter and bugs. You can chill out now thanks colds and flus! We get it…you’re back, seemingl..

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Keeping a Healthy Weight During the Winter Months

For many of us, winter and weight gain seem to go hand in hand like a blustery cold night and a creamy warm bowl of comfort food. As mercury drops, ..

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Chilblains (also known as pernio or perniosis) are itchy, sore, red or purple bumps that occur on the skin as a reaction to cold. Painful inflammati..

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The dark half of the year and melatonin

We are past the shortest day (22 June). The days are getting longer and it is great to see daylight on the way to work (on fine days). In winter som..

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Nutrition Tips for Managing Winter Coughs

The dreaded winter cough. It’s a pain in the, ahem, chest. Count yourselves lucky if you and your family have escaped one of the many viruses doin..

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Warming Winter Tonic

We’re in the dark depths of winter now and the seasonal lurgies are out in full force. This Warming Winter Tonic is akin to a comforting...

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Keeping Colds and Flu at Bay

Hello, Winter! Hello, Cold! Hello, Snotty Nose! Hello, Sore Throat! We’ve all now (somewhat reluctantly) welcomed in winter...a season where some ..

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Cold & Flu

Many people say “I’ve got the flu” when really they have a cold. While a bad cold can make you feel pretty miserable for a few days, you will ..

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Nourishing Chicken Soup Recipe

Chicken soup isn’t just good for the soul. A hot bowl of homemade chicken soup has long been regarded as a natural remedy for...

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Here Comes Sore Throat Season

Sore throatMost sore throats will not be helped by antibiotics whether they are an infection or not. Most sore throats are caused by a virus. A viru..

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Colds and flu – What's the Difference

Cold A cold is a viral infection that affects your nose, sinuses, throat and upper chest. It usually goes away by itself in 7 to 10 days. The symptom..

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A winter of flu

This winter looks set to be one to remember although maybe not for reasons we'd like to remember it. As well as setting weather records, notably for c..

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Dry skin in winter

Dry skin – it’s a common winter thing At this time of year, as winter kicks in, I frequently talk to people asking for help to relieve dry skin. ..

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How to beat some winter health woes

Most of us know that we’re more likely to get a cold, sore throat, flu or other virus in winter.  But did you know that the chilly temperatures and..

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Get Ready for Winter

Now we've officially hit winter, it's time to think about what you can do to protect yourself from winter illnesses.

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Healthy Eating

Cooking for winter wellness is about producing foods that tick all the “comfort” boxes while looking after your health and weight...

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