Raw Salted Caramel Sauce

Renée Naturally Qualified Naturopath, Nutritionist & Western Medical Herbalist

Medjool dates naturally have a sweet, caramel flavour, making them the perfect base for this versatile raw salted caramel sauce. It’s a lovely vegan alternative to the predominantly sugar and butter varieties that we may be used to. It takes ice-cream, yoghurt or porridge (plant-based or otherwise) to another level! Make a date to concoct this caramel sauce… She’s sure to be a keeper!

#vegan #glutenfree


2 cups pitted Medjool dates

¼ cup almond butter

4 tsp. fresh lemon juice

½ tsp. sea salt

1 vanilla bean, seeds scraped


1. First, soak the Medjool dates for at least 4 hours in warm water.

2. Drain the dates, reserving the water that they have soaked in.

3. Add the dates into a food processor along with all other ingredients, except for soaking water. Blend on high until dates are smooth. Add soaking water, one tablespoon at a time until the desired consistency is reached.

4. Store in an airtight glass jar in the fridge for up to a week.

5 Pour onto ice cream, porridge, or drizzle on yoghurt. Yum!

Nutrition Bite: Medjool Dates: The jewel of the date world, these sweet delights are rich in phytonutrients, making them a fantastic alternative to sugar. While still high in natural sugar, they are high in fibre while also providing antioxidants.

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