Mental Health

Meditation and Stress

We hear so much about the detrimental effects of “stress” these days, and yes prolonged periods of stress on the body and mind....

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The Importance Of A Positive Mind For Good Health

The body can be compared to a car in the sense that it requires regular maintenance, servicing, good fuel and care to operate optimally...

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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Once thought to be a childhood disorder that disappeared in adulthood, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (AD..

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Men’s Health Tips for Movember

Move over November, Movember is here again! Movember is an initiative to help raise awareness and funds to help support Kiwi men's mental health, su..

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10 Ways to Naturally Improve Your Mental Health

Mental health can be defined as a state of emotional, psychological, and social well-being. To be in prime mental health means being able to maintai..

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Feeling stressed, can't sleep or having trouble moving?

Life is busy & active and requires a lot of energy, mobility, rest and recovery, which is why we sometimes need some extra help.

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Burnout is a term that is cropping up more and more. WHO formally acknowledged burnout in the International Classification of Diseases...

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Serotonin Syndrome

Serotonin syndrome is a serious effect that happens when our body accumulates too much serotonin.

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November Movember

Each year in November there is a focus on men’s health. This is because men tend to go to the doctor less often and men die younger and often from..

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How our brain responds to stress

While we have been going through the Covid-19 lockdown a lot of people have felt increased stress levels, so here are some tips to help us all cope...

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Children’s Day

Children’s day is held on the first Sunday in March every year, and what a perfect opportunity to spend some time celebrating children...

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The medical definition of anxiety is “a feeling of apprehension and fear, characterised by physical symptoms such as palpitations, sweating, and f..

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Nine Truths about Eating Disorders

Eating disorders have one of the highest mortality rates of any mental illness; anorexia actually has a higher mortality rate than depression. Here..

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Nutritional Support for Managing Stress

When you’re feeling under the pump at work, family tensions or financial pressures are rising and that ol’ “I’ve just been so busy” call t..

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8 Mood-Boosting Foods

New-Zealand’s Mental Health Awareness Week runs from 8th October - 14th October. This year’s theme is; Let nature in, strengthen your wellbeing �..

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Men's Health Month

“Hey bro, how’s your health? Are you feeling well?” Men checking in on their fellow brothers, fathers, sons and colleagues to see how their heal..

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Being Aware of Anger

I was fascinated to read that the UK have an Anger Awareness Week in early December. Of all the awareness weeks that exist, this surely is one that al..

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Movember is here. Men’s Health month – roll on hairy men. Well, actually there’s a lot more blokes sporty hirsute faces these days, be it the cl..

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Mental health and young children

Children as they grow up, learn to grapple with big feelings, but it takes a while to do that (hey, even us adults aren’t pros).

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Grief – it’s a fact of life. At some stage, you or someone close to you is going to have to deal with the loss of someone or something special to ..

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End of Semester stress

If there’s a tertiary student in your house, end of semester is a tense old time. Hand ins for the last assignments, prepping for end of course exam..

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International Father’s Mental Health Day

I saw an email through the inbox this week, and thought – wow, I bet not many people know about that day – I didn’t. As per the logo above, t..

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Never too old to learn

Never too old to learn

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In our caveman days, stress, also known as the “flight or fright” response, was a self-preservation mechanism triggered by physical danger.

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Mental Health Disorders

Onset is usually before the age of 30 but can occur at any time of life. Both men and women are equally at risk. Bipolar disorder tends...

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Eating Disorders

Eating disorders may be tied up with body image but equally may be a response to stress including sexual, physical and emotional abuse.

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“I’m a dad and I’m scared. When I say I’m a dad and I’m scared, I really mean: I’m a dad and I’m looking for answers...

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Anxiety and Depression

The New Zealand Mental Health Survey cast some light on the make-up of mental illness in our country.

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