
How to Get Rid of Head Lice

Head lice infestation is a common problem particularly among children. 

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Headlice (aka cooties, riha, utu, kutu bugs, nits or pediculosis…)

Hopefully the holidays put a stop to the headlice cycle at your child’s school. If you are one of the unlucky ones, the frustrating, time-consumin..

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Yeah, an altogether stunning start to an article, a title like that. I could just as easily change it to kutis (or cooties) or head lice, but…let’..

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Back to School may mean back to battling headlice

Headlice, kutus, nits – whatever you call them – most parents dread their discovery in their child’s hair.

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If you find headlice on a child, a suggested treatment plan involves using a combination of insecticide treatment as well as regular combing

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