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Digestive Health


Acute Diarrhoea is not a disease itself but a symptom that can have many possible causes. Experiencing diarrhoea can be very unpleasant...

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How to tell if you have just eaten too much or if there is another reason for your pain. A lot of us eat too much over the festive season. In..

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The bugs that happily live in our intestines

New science around probiotics proves that the bacteria (or bugs) that live in your intestine have a huge impact on the function of your body and your ..

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5 foods & drinks to add into your diet for a healthy gut

It’s fascinating to think that about 100 trillion bacteria consider your gut home. While a lot of this bacteria is welcome, some are guests that see..

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Previous health crises in places like the Havelock North gastro outbreak, have shown how easy it is for some infections to spread. Thankfully an outbr..

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Stomach and Duodenal Ulcers

Ulcers form when the moist inner lining (the mucous membrane) of the digestive tract becomes damaged and inflamed.

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Indigestion and acid reflux

Gastrointestinal Oesophageal Reflux Disease or GORD, reflux belongs to the large category of disorders termed Dyspepsia or Indigestion.

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Indigestion is discomfort or a burning feeling in the chest or stomach, often associated with nausea, bloating, belching, vomiting...

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Gut Health

Our gut, or gastrointestinal/digestive system, is having its turn in the sun as research reveals that this is no simple plumbing job...

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